
2019-1학기 외국인 전임교원(비정년) 초빙 안내(Job Announcement : Faculty Position)

작성일 2019-01-04 10:31

작성자 고상범

조회수 3016

2019-1학기 한남대학교 외국인 전임교원(비정년) 초빙 안내 ☑ 초빙학과 : 문과대학 영어영문학과 ☑ 초빙인원 : 2명 ☑ 초빙분야 : 실용영어작문, 회화(석사・박사 학위 소지자) ☑ 제출기한 : 2019. 1. 10(목)까지 ☑ 접수방법 : 모든 서류는 스캔하여 이메일 제출 (e-mail : english2@hnu.kr) ☞ 임용이 확정된 전임교원 추후 원본으로 제출 ☑ 인터뷰 실시 1) 일시 : 2019. 1. 15(화) ~ 1. 16(수) 중 1일, 추후 통지 2) 장소 : 문과대학 영어영문학과 회의실 ☞ 상세일시 및 장소는 서류 심사 후 인터뷰 대상자를 선정하여 개별 통지 ☑ 문의처 : 영어영문학과 사무실 (담당 : 이주현 조교, ☎042-629-7320) *자세한 사항은 첨부된 공고문을 참고하시기 바랍니다. Job Announcement : Faculty Position at Hannam University, Daejeon, South Korea Hannam University Department of English Language and Literature Full-time Professor (Non-tenure track position) Position anticipated to begin: Mar. 1, 2019 Application Deadline: Jan. 10, 2019. Application: For the 1st screening, applicants should submit 1) Curriculum vitae(photo attached) and a letter of application describing your teaching and research interests and experience. 2) Degree certificate(s) (Scanned copies or photo copies can be acceptable initially). 3) Reference letters (required to provide the names and contact information of three professional references). 4) List of publications (not necessary, but preferable). 5) Academic Transcripts (B.A, M.A, Ph.D). 6) Criminal records. 7) Copy of Alien card (both front and back sides). 8) Copy of passport 9) A letter of consent 10) Proofs of employment. 11) 4 photos (8.3x5.4cm(2) and 3x4cm(2) photograph size) If interested, please send the following via email to the Department of English Language & Literature at english2@hnu.kr 82-(0)42-629-7320 You will be notified if you are selected as a candidate. Interviews will be held from January 15 to 16, 2019 and will be scheduled to be notified later.(Teaching starts Mar. 1, 2019) Applicants must have an E-1 VISA and be required to submit all relevant background checks in accordance with government policies. Department of English Language and Literature Hannam University Daejeon, 306-791, Korea

정보관리부서 : 게시물 공지부서

최종 수정일 : 2021-07-28