홈페이지 수정 요청

[대학원] 대학원 영문홈페이지 수정 요청드립니다.

작성일 2022-07-15 14:37

작성자 박상희

조회수 2434


1. 제목 : [대학원교학팀] 대학원 영문 홈페이지 수정 요청
2. 연락처 / 성명 : 7221 / 박상희
3. 요청사항  1
    1) URL : http://gra.hannam.ac.kr/eng/sub1/menu2.php
    2) 내용 :  대학원 영문 홈페이지 수정 요청입니다. (빨간색이 수정사항 입니다.)
Welcome to the Graduate School of Hannam University.
  I'd like to extend my warm greetings to all members of the Hannam University including prospective graduate students who are looking forward to their experience at Hannam. Founded in 1971, Hannam University Graduate School has given out 1,132 Doctorate and 4,016 Master's Degrees in various academic fields. We also have been running our Ms. and Ph.D. program overseas. In some specific areas, we are happy and proud of those exceptional scholars whom we have produced so far. We are now ready to meet inspiring young men and women who would join us to better equip themselves at Hannam University Graduate School.

Jo, Jae Heung. Ph. D
Dean, Graduate School
Hannam University

정보관리부서 : 시스템운영팀

최종 수정일 : 2021-08-02